b'AWARDS& RECOGNITIONExcellence in Construction (EIC) Accredited Quality ContractorABC Chesapeake Shores Excellence in ConstructionThe Accredited Quality Contractor Program program honors the finest merit construction projects inpublicly recognizes and honors those the region. Projects are evaluated by a panel of judgesconstruction firms which have documented representing a cross-section of construction industrytheir commitment in five key areas of corporate experts, including owners, architects, engineers and industryresponsibility:leaders. Award winners are recognized at the annualQualityExcellence in Construction & Safety Awards Banquet. Safety (STEP Gold, Platinum or Diamond Chapter Safety Level Required)The Chapter Safety Award is given by ABC ChesapeakeEmployee BenefitsShores to Member firms that exhibit a sustained commitmentTrainingto job site safety. Recipients will be determined by identifyingCommunity Relationsthose companies with meritorious safety performance per membership classification and by size of organization. National Top PerformersSTEP ABCs Top Performers lists recognize ABC Founded in 1989 as a safety benchmarking andmember contractors achievements in safety, improvement tool, STEP has evolved into a world-classquality, diversity and project excellence ranked safety management system that dramatically improvesby work hours, with special designations safety performance among participants regardless ofidentified.company size or type of work. Participating ABC member firms measure their safety processes and policies on 25 keyBeam Clubcomponents through a detailed questionnaire with the goalEstablished in 1966, the Beam Club recognizes of implementing or enhancing safety programs that reduceABCs most committed members. Beam Club jobsite incidents. members have made Associated Builders and Contractors the worlds largest association Young Leader of the Year of merit shop contractors. Their pride in ABC The Young Leader of the Year Award is given to aninspires and strengthens our organization.individual in the current class of Leadership ABC who has earned the highest number of points accumulatedApprentice Honor Gradsthroughout the year. This individual will haveABC Chesapeake Shores presents the Apprentice demonstrated the most growth both personally andof the Year awards to apprentices who exhibit professionally and will have gone above and beyond theexcellence in reliability and work habits, overall basic requirements of the program. program performance and safety awareness.12'