b'APPRENTICESHIP& CRAFT TRAININGABC Chesapeake Shores provides both craft training and apprenticeship programs. The apprenticeship program is registered with the Department of Labor, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council (MATC), and the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). Our training venues are all affiliated with local community colleges,serving three distinct areas of Maryland from the Eastern Shore to Annapolis and Southern MD.The demand for skilled workers is high. You get a diversified and flexible Our state and federally approved apprenticeshipworkforce and a larger pool of programs can help you meet prevailing wageemployees with specific skills.requirements. You get increased productivity; Using apprentices reduces the cost of high laboremployees in a structured program are turnover; employees show high morale and loyaltymore motivated.when training in a program that offers upwardHire and train apprentices who reside in mobility through career development. our communities.THE MYTH THE TRUTHA 4-year college degree is theMany college graduates enter the workforce with only path to a good career. significant student loan debt and do not earn enough income to support themselves.Construction is one of the only industries where many employers will pay for training to help advance their employees.A formal college education is not necessary to become a well-paid skilled tradesman in the construction industry.For more information: www.abc-chesapeake.org16'