b'GOVERNMENTAFFAIRSABC Chesapeake Shores Is Your Voice for Preservingthe Merit Shop Construction Industry. Get Informed and Involved Today!GET INTO POLITICSOR GET OUT OF BUSINESSAssociated Builders and Contractors is the voice of the merit shop in the constructionDownload the ABC Action app today!industry. We accept theNow available on the App Store and Google Play, to responsibility for making thatkeep up with ABC on the go. ABC Action is an advanced voice heard. advocacy tool that enables members to become a vital We believe the merit shoppart of ABCs grassroots advocacy efforts and allows you movement is a movement for theto make your voice heard. betterment of the individual,the construction industry, and the nation. We believe in the systemwww.abc.org/Politics-Policy/ABC-Action-Appof free enterprise.ABC CHESAPEAKE SHORES CHAPTERMain Office:100 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401Regional Office:208 East Main St, Salisbury, MD 21801410.267.0347|www.abc-chesapeake.org23'