b'A MESSAGEFROM OUR PRESIDENTDear Valued Members,Your membership in the ABC Chesapeake Shores Chapter is a testament to the commitment that your firm has toward supporting the merit shop, the tenets of fair and open competition, and the principles of free enterprise.For over 60 years, ABC Chesapeake Shores has provided safety training, workplace training, political advocacy, networking opportunities, and immense camaraderie.The same opportunities for membership success start with your intentional and active approach to garnering the most from your membership.It is vital that you participate wherever you can whether that be through training, committee involvement, event attendance, sponsorship and so much more. t y associated with an outstanding ABC Chapter, bu y Take pride that you are not onl -minded business people who firmlt of a much larger network of like BC National is comprised of you are also par ans.In fact, Abelieve that opportunities exist for all Americover 20,000 member firms just like yours! ated We thank you for your membership and your support.I, our team, and our dedicvolunteer leadership are here to serve.Please contact any of us for additional information on how best to enjoy your ABC membership.In the name of the Merit Shop,Chris Garvey, President & CEO4'