b'PATHWAY TO LEADERSHIP1 JOIN ABCATTEND MEETINGS/EVENTS PROMOTE YOUR COMPANYCHESAPEAKEMeet new contacts and follow up toSponsor an event or submit ideas for SHORES foster relationships. our Chapter newsletter.3 4LEVERAGE MEMBERSHIPUnderstand ABC values, mission, andSERVE ON A COMMITTEE5core principles. OR REGIONAL COUNCILSee page 10 & 11 for a list of 2 committees.LEAD A COMMITTEE ORREFER A MEMBERCOUNCIL LEADERSHIPActively assist with6Step up and be a committee ormember retention and regional council leader. new member recruitment.PARTICIPATE STRATEGIC 7IN PAC PLANNINGContribute to ABCParticipate in our National & StateAnnual Strategic political effort. Planning Session.9 8 SERVE AS CHAPTERCHAPTERCHAPTERBOARD EXECUTIVECHAIROFCOMMITTEE10 EDUCATIONABC DIRECTORS Roles: Chair, TRUST NATIONAL Lead andIncoming Chair, Lead and guide theAttend nationalpositively impactImmediate Past development ofevents andChapter growthChair, Secretary, Apprenticeship Training. conferences. and development. Treasurer.11 12 13Main Office:100 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401Regional Office:208 East Main St, Salisbury, MD 21801410.267.0347|www.abc-chesapeake.org7'