Regional councils
ABC is a member driven organization that best succeeds with highly motivated volunteers working together with chapter staff to influence and motivate others to achieve a set of goals and objectives that will positively impact the growth and development of the chapter and industry.

Southern Maryland
Regional Council
The ABC Chesapeake Shores Southern Maryland Regional Council is responsible for providing leadership and representation on behalf of the regional members to the ABC Chesapeake Shores Chapter Board of Directors. The Council is intended as a means of discussing and debating regional needs and goals, and communicating those needs and goals to the ABC Board of Directors which is the governing body of the Chapter. The Region is defined as the Maryland Counties of Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s.
Lower Shore
Regional Council
The ABC Chesapeake Shores Lower Eastern Shore Regional Council is responsible for providing regional leadership and representation on behalf of the regional members to the ABC Chesapeake Shores Chapter Board of Directors. The Council is intended as a means of discussing and debating regional needs and goals.
The Council actively promotes Membership, ABC Government Affairs initiatives, Safety, Chapter Events, and Workforce Development efforts. The Region is defined as the Maryland Counties of Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester, and the Virginia Counties of Northampton and Accomack.
Committees are an integral part of our association and are one of the most effective environments for networking and developing relationships within the association. Committee members contribute to the decisions that guide our chapter and ensure the chapter’s strategic plan goals are met. See below for a list of our various committees. To get started and sign up to participate call the ABC office at 410-267-0347.
Membership Development Committee
Committees are an integral part of our association and are one of the most effective environments for networking and developing relationships within the association. Committee members contribute to the decisions that guide our chapter and ensure the chapter’s strategic plan goals are met. See below for a list of our various committees. To get started and sign up to participate call the ABC office at 410-267-0347.
Legislative Committee
We educate members and politicians on national, state and local legislative matters affecting our industry. The Legislative Committee is ABC’s voice to ensure that ABC continues to be recognized as a premier resource for construction workplace issues. This committee meets as needed, centered on current legislative issues pertaining to our members.
Safety Committee
On the forefront of best practices and ever-changing mandates affecting safety requirements in the industry, the Safety Committee provides training and safety awareness to members through conferences, seminars and classes.
Apprenticeship Trust
Driving the direction of the Chesapeake Construction Education and Apprenticeship Trust, the committee ensures each of the educational programs has a positive and measurable effect on both students and employers.
Events: Micro-Committees
We are made up of several smaller committees that meet throughout the year. Each committee focuses on a specifc event, such as Excellence in Construction & Safety Awards Banquet, Holiday Gala, and other marquee events.
Regional Councils
ABC Chesapeake Shores has established two Regional Councils to serve and represent Southern MD and the Lower Eastern Shore regions. These Councils are responsible for providing leadership and representation on behalf of regional members to the chapter’s Board of Directors. The Councils are intended as a means of discussion and debating regional needs and goals, and communicating them to the governing body of the chapter.
Stanley Cup Golf Tournament Committee
The golf committee is responsible for planning the Chapter’s annual Stanley Cup Golf Tournament and networking reception, as well as obtaining sponsorships, prize donations and golfers.
Leadership ABC
ABC Chesapeake Shores’ Leadership ABC program is geared towards Young Professionals under the age of 40 who wish to expand their careers and skills while continuing to promote open competition and the merit shop philosophy.